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ICCBBA Enterprise Grant 2025

ICCBBA is excited to share the latest news regarding the Enterprise Grant Award. In response to the growing need for support in projects related to the transfusion or transplantation of MPHO, we have increased our award to $100,000 USD. This enhancement aims to empower organizations in building safer and more efficient systems, focusing on understanding, quality, and improvement. 
This initiative seeks to provide support for projects operating at the local, national or regional level, including resource-constrained settings. The primary goal is to facilitate the creation and advancement of a robust organizational framework, especially in cases where these projects have a significant impact on electronic information management and traceability.


The 2025 ICCBBA Enterprise Grant Overview

We are thrilled to offer a substantial funding opportunity to organizations operating at the local, national, or regional level, with a special focus on resource-constrained settings. This year ICCBBA has also increased the total fund to $100,000 USD. Each applicant can now request up to a maximum award of $50,000 USD, providing even greater support for impactful projects.

Resource Center

Live Workshop

Enterprise Grant Workshop
More Information Coming Soon!


4 February 2025 - Application Period Opens
The period when organizations can submit their grant applications begins. 
25 March 2025 - Live Workshop Information Session
Gain insights into the application process, hear success stories from a previous recipient, and have your questions answered. Mark your calendars!
30 April 2025 - Application Period Closes
The deadline for organizations to submit their grant applications. All applications are due by 5:00 PM local time of the applicant(s) organization. 
May 2025 - Recommendation from Selection Committee
The selection committee provides recommendations to the board based on received applications. 
June 2025 - Announcement of Award(s), Conclude Grant Agreements, and Fund Transfer
Public announcement of the grant award recipients. Finalizing grant agreements, establishing reporting requirements, and transferring funds. 
Timeline subject to adjustments depending on the volume of applications and availability of volunteer experts on the selection committee.
Safe Blood for Africa
ICCBBA is delighted to spotlight the recipient of our 2023 Enterprise Grant: the Safe Blood for Africa (SBFA) Foundation, for their transformative project at the Yaoundé University Teaching Hospital Blood Service in Cameroon.

 The 2022 grant went to the International Coalition for Safe Plasma Proteins (ICSPP). ICCBBA awarded $20,000 to help address the global insufficiency of plasma-derived medicinal products that are unavailable or unaffordable in many low- and middle- income countries (LMIC) and the consequent suffering and early mortality of patients with bleeding disorders and immune deficiencies who lack adequate treatments. 
Safe Blood for Africa
 A nonprofit organization with offices throughout Africa, are the recipients of the 2021 ICCBBA Enterprise Grant for their continued improvements to transfusion safety practices in Cameroon 

Dr. Sardjito Hospital
and Safe Blood for Africa
A nonprofit teaching hospital in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and the Safe Blood for Africa Foundation, a nonprofit organization with offices throughout Africa, are the recipients of the 2020 ICCBBA Enterprise Grant for their proposals to improve transfusion safety practices in Indonesia and Cameroon, respectively.
Global Healing
A nonprofit organization based in Berkeley, California, USA, selected for its proposal to strengthen the quality management system of the blood bank at the Hôpital Universitaire de Mirebalais (HUM) in Haiti.